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Living Ayurveda: Building Immunity in Home & Heart – A Downloadable Guide

The uncertainty that has been thrust upon us has left us feeling more overwhelmed and vulnerable than ever before. Our whole world turned upside down in a matter of days. I’m most certainly feeling the effects of such a global shift, choosing to take extra moments of pause, refocus my efforts and show up for my family and community in new ways. As women and mothers, we are the nurturers of self, of loved ones and of communities.

I believe that how we care for ourselves in these difficult times has a ripple effect in the overall health of the collective.

With this in mind, I’ve teamed up with Claire Ragozzino of Vidya Living to put our minds and hearts together to create an in-depth guide for bolstering your immunity and caring for your minds, bodies, and spirits. Our mutual love for Ayurveda stems from its acknowledgement that our bodies are inherently intelligent, knowing exactly how to foster and protect optimal health. It is not about finding remedy, but rather addressing root causes of imbalance and building a solid foundation through sustainable lifestyle shifts. Ayurveda’s sometimes esoteric practices can be simplified down into intuitive and customizable assessments and rhythms that even a busy mama can adopt into her daily routine.


We intend this guide to inspire you to take small steps towards improving your body’s ability to weather any storm. A “take what feels good, leave the rest” approach is what is being asked. This guide is written through the lens of centuries old ancient wisdom, woven into the practicality of our modern lives. It is our humble opinion that the wisdom of Ayurveda offers a beautiful analogy and guiding light for finding new ways of understanding balance, adaptability, sustained immunity and a peaceful heart. To get started, download the free guide Building Immunity in Home & Heart.


The guide includes practical tips for everyday rhythms like sleep, media consumption and our relationship to food. It includes some of our favorite immunity boosting recipes, journaling prompts, meditation suggestions, breathing exercises to call the nerves, and a fun exploration chanting mantras for global health.  We hope you enjoy this free resource, and share it with anyone in your family or community that could use a little extra support at this time.

Access the guide here –> Building Immunity in Home & Heart.



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